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Category Archives: Project reports and studies

New Brochure of the EcoChange project published

EcoChange assesses and forecasts changes in biodiversity and ecosystems and in the ability of biodiversity and ecosystems to supply goods and services and to buffer against climate and land use change. The main results of this 5-year project can be read in this informative .

How can Europe move towards a One Planet Economy? Scenarios report published

The new report “Scenarios towards a One Planet Economy in Europe” is a major outcome of the OPEN:EU project [...] in which SERI was involved. The scenarios describe alternative, albeit not necessarily ideal visions of the transition toward a One Planet Economy in Europe by 2050. They present both an illustration of life in Europe in

Koshi Yomuti – Banking under the Tree. Client Stories about the social and economic impact of microfinance in the rural areas of Northern Namibia

Polzin, C. (2006)
This book presents the stories of 11 micro-entrepreneurs in Northern Namibia, the majority of them being women. Their stories witness the everyday struggle of poor people having an enormous sense of responsibility and courage, coping with a wide range of forms of vulnerability in a not always conducive environment.
These examples [...]

SUFO:TROP Sustainable Food Consumption: Trends and Opportunities

Friedl, B., Hammer, M., Jäger, J., Lorek, S., Omann, I., Pack, A. (2007)
This report presents results from the second year of the Global Change project “Sustainable Food Consumption: Trends and Opportunities”. The objectives of the project are to contribute to a transition to more sustainable food consumption in Austria through an improved understanding [...]

The use of differential VAT rates to promote changes in consumption and innovation - Final report

Oosterhuis, F., Dodoková, A., Gerdes, H., Greño, P., Jantzen, J, Mudgal, S., Neubauer, A., Rayment, M., Stocker, A., Tinetti, B., van der Woerd,Varma, A. , (2008).
This study deals with the likely impacts of differential VAT rates for specific products with recognised environmental benefits. Applying a reduced VAT rate to environmentally preferable products while [...]

Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment - Project Summary

Jäger, J., Bohunovsky, L. and Binder, J. (2008)
In response to the challenge of unsustainability, the MATISSE project was designed to propose procedures, methods and tools for better integrating sustainability into policy development processes and institutions. It did so by developing, testing and refining a conceptual framework for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA).
ISA is a [...]

Do modern technologies work for the rural? ICT and Rural Credit Institutions in India

Fu, X. and Polzin, C. (2008)
SLPTMD Working Paper Series No. 014. University of Oxford, Department of International Development, Oxford.
This paper explores the impact of various forms and levels of ICT on the performance of rural cooperative banks using recent survey data from India. Findings from the research suggest that modern information technology serves [...]

Europe’s global land demand - A study on the actual land embodied in European imports and exports of agricultural and forestry products

Lugschitz, B., Bruckner, M., Giljum, S. (2011)
As fertile land areas to produce agricultural and forestry products are only available in a limited amount on our planet it is very important to use this resource thoughtfully. A number of conflicts are coupled with the global land use. In developing countries conflicts arise on the issue [...]

Using Environmental Tax Reform to Support Sustainable Development in Transition Economies: the case of the Czech Republic

Barker, A., Bohunovsky, L.,Jäger, J., Kovanda, J.,van de Sand,I., (2008)
This paper summarises the analysis undertaken within the MATISSE project on the role that environmental tax reform (ETR) could play in future sustainable development in the EU and the Czech Republic in particular, and points debated in discussions with key Czech stakeholders.
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(Deutsch) Öffentliche Meinung zur Natur. Ergebnisse der österreichischen Fallstudie

Bednar-Friedl, B., Eberhard K., Grünberger S., Omann I. (2009)
UBA Reports, Band 0239, Wien
Im Rahmen des EU-Excellence-Netzwerks ALTER-Net wurde die Einstellung der Bevölkerung zu Biodiversität und ihrer Erhaltung in acht europäischen Ländern untersucht. In Österreich fand die Erhebung in der Region Eisenwurzen statt, einer
Langzeit-sozio-ökologischen Forschungsplattform (LTSER), die vom Umweltbundesamt koordiniert wird.
Ziel dieser [...]

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