Lebensklima I

Climate change in correlation with quality of life and lifestylesLogoLebensKlima

This project is surveying the relationship between lifestyles and climate change in the context of regional case studies.

This project is investigating the relationship between lifestyles and climate change in the context of two regional case studies - Gmunden (an example for small urban region) and Graz (urban agglomeration). At the regional level, the reference to the needs and concerns of the citizens is even more provided, thus the project implementation in close cooperation with citizens allows a detailed and profound examination of the subject.

The project aims for a continuation of activities to reduce the human’s impact on climate change through close collaboration with the public authorities of the case study regions. A comprehensive insight into existing studies and projects and an intensive dissemination (spread, distribution) of the project and the project results is ensured.

Based on a preliminary survey of the socio-economic structure of the case study regions and effects of climate change, interviews with residents are conducted about their lifestyles and their perceptions of climate change issues. Groups of lifestyles are clustered and invited to participate in subsequent focus groups. The focus groups will work on group-specific measures towards alternative behaviors in regard to climate change. Furthermore the project is examining the impacts of past incidents of extreme weather events (increased rockfalls, flooding, changes in snow conditions, summer heat, etc.) and will examine the relationship with various parameters of quality of life within the participatory process. Finally, the influence of different lifestyles on energy demand and the relationship of lifestyle, climate and quality of life are being evaluated.

Case study report (socio-economic and climate datas) at the regions Gmunden and Graz Stadt in German

Project description in German/ Projektbeschreibung auf Deutsch

Download: Presse release for Lebensklima and climate change in German/ Pressaussendung zu Lebensklima und Klimagipfel auf Deutsch (Word file, J.Frühmann, 11.12.2009)

Download: Press release for project start in German/ Presseaussendung zu Projektstart auf Deutsch (Word file, M.Mayr, 19.10.2009)

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  • Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
  • Cooperation between national and local government

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[duration] Project duration

  • April 2009 - May 2010

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